Andy Hayward returns for another year with Barons

The EDG Property Solihull Barons are very pleased to once more be bringing back utility D-man Andy Hayward ahead of the upcoming 23-24 Moralee campaign.

Andy Hayward (S Crampton)

Hayward has been with the Barons since 2018-19 playing mainly in D but with options to shift to forward lines should player availability or match-night tactics demand it. He is extremely pleased to be pulling on a Barons shirt again:

“I’m excited to be given the opportunity to be back at the Barons for another season. We had a great year making it to play offs, unfortunately not getting the result but with the new team Leepys put together I do believe we have a great chance of improving the result, for the time being Barons fans enjoy the summer and we will see you in the season.”

Andy Hayward (S Crampton)

Phil Lee was glad to have him back on the roster but with lots of new young talent coming into the squad, places on the top lines can not be taken for granted.

“Andy returns to the squad for the 23/24 season.  Andy has the potential of being a good defensive defenceman and with the ability to play forward may be used as a utility player. I will continue to work with Andy to further strengthen the defensive unit, however there is lots of competition for defensive positions on the team this year and Andy is keen to prove himself moving forward.  Welcome back Andy.

Only one or two spots still to be announced so keep following us as the remaining slots are revealed and plans for the season start are released.