Five say Farewell to the Barons

The EDG Property Solihull Barons roster will look somewhat different next year with five long-standing players, who have all made a massive contribution to the team over the years, taking their bow from competitive hockey.

Andrew Whitehouse
Andy Whitehouse (S Crampton)

Second only to Phil Lee in terms of games played in a Barons shirt, the ubiquitous and massively dependable Andy Whitehouse will be missing from the gamesheets come September. A single club-player, Andy has also been arguably the Barons most versatile player of recent years slotting into the defensive pairings or back to his original forward role on the centre spot depending on the needs of the team. While stepping down from the Barons, Andy will still be very much involved with hockey in Solihull having recently agreed to pass on his extensive experience as a coach for the Juniors.

Richard Slater
Richard Slater winds up (S Crampton)

Richard Slater is another longstanding player for the Barons who will be hanging up his helmet this Summer. Generally playing on the wing, Richard sits at number three, behind only imports Luc Chabot and Steve Chartrand, on the list of all time goal scorers for the Barons having found the net over 230 times. His first goal as a senior was scored in his debut game when he was 14 in 2006 at a time when the Barons were in the EPL . Like Andy Whitehouse, Richard has also taken up the opportunity to join up with the junior set-up at Solihull so expect to see a crop of speedy wingers coming through the ranks in years to come.

Sam Hewitt
Sam Hewitt parries a shot (S Crampton)

Fan favourite Sam Hewitt will also not be needing to put on the pads on Sunday evenings come the Autumn, having also decided to take a step back from the competitive game having been the Barons number 1 goalie for much of his senior career which began as a teenager back in 2008-09. Sam has been a  consistently popular player with the fan base, his efforts between the pipes often being the big difference in many of the tighter games of the past decade.

Marcus Maynard
Marcus Maynard (S Crampton)

Marcus Maynard joined the Barons in 2017-18 as an experienced D-man from Midlands rivals the Nottingham Lions where his size, reach and skills marked him out as one of the most competent defence men in the league. Quickly showing his leadership credentials on and off the ice Marcus, was made assistant captain immediately and has served as team captain since 2019. A calm presence on the ice and with height on his side, Marcus was able to diffuse difficult situations around his own net while he excelled at controlling offensive play from his vantage point on the blue line whether lining up a slick pass to the slot or firing in a slapshot for a direct goal or to provide a cheeky rebound.

Paul Stanley
Paul Stanley (S Crampton)

Paul Stanley also joined the Barons from the Nottingham Lions and was a gritty presence on the Barons forward lines since 2018. Having spent much of his early career as a short-track speedskater, representing Britain in the Olympics, European and World Championships, he switched to hockey where his speed proved a major asset and physical play around the goal racked up the points.

We are sure all Barons supporters will join with us in thanking Andy, Richard, Sam, Marcus and Paul for their contributions to the team, that we hope to see them coming along to games over the next few seasons and wish them all the very best for the future.

While it is sad to see old favourites move on, as they do, new opportunities arise, so stay following as we begin to announce the 2023-24 roster over the next few weeks!