Jacob Smith returns to the Barons for 23/24

The EDG Property Solihull Barons are pleased to announce the return of a familiar name in the form of Jacob Smith who originally iced for Solihull for three seasons from 2015/16. Having been out of the competitive game for a number of years Jacob is keen to return to the Barons and prove the faith Phil Lee has shown in him.

Jacob Smith (J&K Davies)

“Having played for the Barons before, l am very excited to play again and be part of the team. After being out for 5 years due to an injury, I’m ready to get back out on the ice. I’m looking forward to working with Leepy and the team and hope we get far in the season. “

Jacob Smith (J&K Davies)

Having carefully reviewed his skill set head coach Phil Lee is confident Jacob can make a strong return to competitive hockey:

“Jacob approached me at the beginning of the year asking about the possibilities of signing for the Barons again to get himself back into competitive hockey. Having watched Jacob across a number of training sessions and games, I was impressed with Jacob’s skating and passing ability and he moves the puck well. After chatting with Jacob, I feel that he has the right attitude and work ethic to get himself back into the competitive game and to the standard he played at prior to his injury, and I feel Jacob will fit in with the team well. Please welcome Jacob to the team.

We are sure all Barons fans will be pleased to see Jacob back on Hobs Moat ice and give him a very warm welcome when we restart play in late August or early September.