Jordan Jolly adds to Barons options

The EDG Property Solihull Barons will welcome Jordan Jolly back into the line-up for 2023/24 after a successful senior debut last season having previously played as a  under-20 in Solihull. Never flashy, Jordan builds his game around a solid work effort and commitment to the team on the ice.

Jordan Jolly (S Crampton)

“I’m incredibly excited to be returning to Solihull for the 23/24 season. I truly believe that the team we have will build on last year’s playoff run and will be pushing for silverware to bring home to the fans. To be returning to this great team, with the fantastic fans will always be an honour for me, so I’m excited to see what this coming season will bring. See you all at Hobs Moat in September!

Jordan Jolly (S Crampton)

Phil Lee was also very happy to see Jordan returning:

“I asked Jordan to return for the 23/24 season and was pleased when he agreed.  Jordan is an underrated player and contributes well to the team with his work ethic and also working well with his line mates, with an ability to grab the odd goal here and there.  I am looking for Jordan to push on this year and really establish himself in the team. Please join me in welcoming Jordan

Welcome back Jordan and look forward to seeing you back on the Hobs Moat ice. Keep following for more signing news and info on the season ahead.